WeDigiStudio's Academy

Transforming Education with Cutting-edge VR/AR &
Tech Sessions

Our classes stand at the intersection of innovation and education, offering students a transformative journey into the world of VR/AR, Development and Design

We stand by

Immersive Learning. EdTech Innovation. Future-Ready Education.

About Us

What is WeDigiStudio Academy

In the rapidly evolving IT industry, staying ahead requires more than just keeping up with the latest trends – it demands forward-thinking innovation. At WedigiStudio, we have made it our mission to bridge the gap between technology and education, offering a unique blend of AR/VR experiences that not only align with current industry standards but also anticipate the future needs of the IT landscape.

Our Curriculum

What Our Academy Provides

  • VR/AR

    Immerse your students in the cutting-edge worlds of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) through our dynamic and engaging sessions. AR and VR technologies are transforming the way we perceive and interact with the digital realm, offering limitless possibilities across various industries. Our sessions provide hands-on experience, enabling students to explore the creation, development, and application of AR and VR solutions. Equip your students with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate this exciting frontier of technology.

    Unity MARS SparkAR Maya VR Demo
  • Development

    Empower your students with the essential skills for modern software development through our comprehensive development sessions. From programming fundamentals to advanced coding techniques, our sessions cover a wide range of development areas. Whether your students are beginners or seasoned coders, our sessions cater to all levels. Topics include web development, mobile app development, software engineering best practices, and the latest industry trends. Equip your students with the tools they need to thrive in the rapidly evolving landscape of software development.

    Web Dev App Dev Competitive Coding
  • Graphic Designing

    Dive into the world of creative expression and visual storytelling with our hands-on design sessions. Our courses focus on honing skills in industry-leading design tools such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Figma, empowering students to bring their artistic visions to life. From crafting stunning graphics to designing captivating user interfaces and experiences, our instructors guide students through the intricacies of these powerful design applications.

    Photoshop Illustrator Figma Premier Pro
  • Digital Marketing

    We will design your business/product campaigns to effectively market your offerings. We also provide complete social media handling services on a per-monthly basis

    Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Social Media Handling Video Marketing
  • Enjoy & Travel

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